Sunday, August 24, 2014

One spoiled wife.

Well.. it has been quite the week!  Let's just say after moving out of a third floor apartment I never want to see a staircase again in my life!  This last week we made our big move to Fort Worth.  It was exhausting and I was nervous to be in charge of it all myself while Josh was away working but thankfully I got everything packed, organized the crew, and all went well.  We LOVE our new place.  I never want to move again.  Being so close to Josh's work is the best.  He comes home for lunch and it takes him less than five minutes to commute - talk about perfect!  We even have our own little mini front yard for Skamp which he loves.  He literally will sit by the front door and whine until you let him out [which is making potty training little difficult!] but he is just too cute.

I'll post pictures of our new place a little later once I actually have a chance to unpack everything!  Right now it just looks like mountains and mountains of boxes!  We moved in on Thursday afternoon so I haven't had much time!  We spent Thursday night grocery shopping at the Korean market [my new favorite place, who knew?!] and you can see from our cart we went a little crazy stocking up!

Other than stocking up on groceries we have spent our new found time in the evenings [if you remember during the summer Josh would get home at 10 p.m. at the earliest, we never had time in the evenings] furniture shopping.  Just window shopping at this point trying to decide what we would like for our home.  It's been a lot of fun!

My design business is coming along slowly but surely.  I just finished up a wedding and here's another sneak peak at the dinner menu/programs they turned out amazing!  I love getting shipments in the mail it's like Christmas! So fun!

This weekend I have been spoiled rotten by my sweet husband!  He planned an entire weekend stay-cation for us all on his own and it was a blast.  You realize how well someone knows you when they plan an entire weekend for you!

Friday after work we dropped Skamp off at the doggy daycare [I had a hard time saying goodbye!!] and headed to the Garylord Texan hotel.  This place is a little mini paradise in Grapevine Texas.  Here is out beautiful room:

If you've ever been to one of the Gaylord hotels you know they have a beautiful atrium full of plant and animal life.  The Dallas one is made to look like the River Walk and we had dinner on the River Walk for our first night here.

mini San Antonio 

The river walk!

Couple of love birds here.

So grateful for this guy.
It was so fun!  Beautiful scenery, the world's best company, and delicious food.  All of my favorite things!  After dinner we walked all around the River Walk checking out all the fun there is to see around the hotel.

Giant cookies here at the Gaylord!

Love the Texas atmosphere.

Finally we topped the night off with fireworks!  We went up to the parking garage to watch them and it was packed [for all of you who went to college in Provo recently I felt like I was at a typical provo party in a parking garage ha!].  Best friday night in a long long time.

Saturday was our first real saturday together in months and it was incredible.  We slept in and had breakfast in bed.  Each day Josh had a special note telling me about what would happen that day and today started out with a trip to Paradise Springs water park.  I can't tell you the last time I went to a water park.  It was SO fun!

After a few hours at the park Josh gave me another note telling me it was time for a spa day!  Heavenly!  We went away to the "couples escape" complete with salt scrub, massage and facial.  A husband who plans a spa day sure is a good sport!  And I think he had a little more fun than he thought he would, even with the facial (;

sorry for the blur!
My next note told me we were headed shopping and to dinner at Rainforest cafe!  Exactly the kind of evening I love!  We headed back to grapevine mills and let me tell you, I have never seen a mall so crowded before in my entire life!  Lots of fun (:

Josh's dream meal.

We came home late for a night of movie watching in our hotel room that went by far too quickly.  Why must vacations end so fast?

Sunday came around and after a good long morning sleeping in we headed to church and finally to pick up our pup!

there's nothing like a greeting from a puppy who missed you!

It was an incredible weekend and I felt so loved from all of Josh's thoughtfulness he is one great guy and I am lucky to call him mine.  Sometimes being here in Texas away from everything we know gets tough but than I remember who I get to be here with and feel so blessed.  He's a one of a kind guy.  And on a brighter note.. we will be coming home for Labor day weekend next week! Can't wait! (:  Here are some new designs I have done recently it's been a blast.  A shout out the to the Hales family and the Smedley's for the incredible pictures:

Send anyone my way who may be looking for an announcement/invitation.  Here's the link to my website again (:  if you haven't liked my page yet head on over!  Thanks for reading!

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