Well another week has flown by! It's crazy to think that we only have about one month left. And we get a special visitor in just a little over a week- my mom!! I can't wait. This last week was a good one. Josh reached all his goals & we were able to have some fun. Friday Skamp had his third week of puppy school. The first week we were there three puppies were in the class including Skamp. A mother & her daughter both had a puppy but for the last two weeks they haven't come. We found out this last week that once you miss two times you have to start the class over so now Skamp gets a personal lesson every single week! SO crazy! We are sure getting our money's worth & Skamp is loving it. Part of the class was suppose to be a little socialization but I suppose he will just have to get that somewhere else!

How cute is he?! At the class we practiced with a felt rope & Skamp just loved it so luck for us there was a Joann's next door so I bought some fabric & made my own. Only spent 3 bucks and could probably make 4 or 5 more with the rest of the scraps. Much better deal than the one they are selling for 8$ at the pet store. I was very proud of myself! It's his favorite toy now & I'm not just saying that because I made it, he always picks it (:
The best part was going to the temple bright & early before Josh sold on Saturday. The temple was really crowded which was fun to see. Dallas temple is beautiful! We feel so blessed to have a temple nearby.
After the temple Josh had his best saturday yet - sold 8! Really impressive for a short Saturday I was so proud of him. To top it off he spoiled his wife by letting her go get her nails done with some other girls on the team it was a blast! I rarely get my nails done!
Saturday night we went out to dinner at Rosa's tortilla factory & oh my goodness it was amazing! We have finally found a well priced delicious Mexican restaurant. It is cheaper because it is set up Cafe Rio Style [I reallllly miss cafe rio] but with more authentic Mexican food. So fun!
They are known for their homemade tortillas - & for good reason! |
After Rosa's we headed to the Fort Worth Stockyards. Yes we seem to end up here all the time! We love it it's a lot of fun, live bull riding, rodeos, horses, country dancing & BBQ. It's a MUST when you visit Dallas. We spent our night visiting the rodeo horses & at Billy Bob's [the world's
largest honky tonk] listening to Gary Allen in concert & dancing. It was a blast & I'm normally not a dancer!
horses are magnificent creatures ♡ |
We taught primary for the first time today. Well my first time, Josh taught with a friend last week while I taught relief society. It was a blast! Primary kids give the funniest answers I don't think I have ever laughed so much at church before [reverently of course]. They are so sweet we taught them about saying thank you & then went and "heart-attacked" the bishop's door with thank you cards. They were so excited for the field trip and talking about how happy inside it made them feel. I love being around their sweet innocent spirits it sure is a blessing.
Not much new here other than our weekends -sorry if the blog gets boring sometimes. Josh works from sun up to sun down so the only thing we have time for is dinner, playing with Skamp and a TV show before it's off to bed & then to start it all over again. I have been working more on my designs in my free time here are a few wedding ones for everyone to see:
Wedding thank you hearts |
Wedding Thank you |
Pink front |
Pink back |
Navy wedding back |
Navy wedding front |
Well that's all for us! If you haven't seen my July visiting teaching printables check out the post before this one & feel free to give them to your sisters! Thanks for all your love & support!
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