Sunday, May 19, 2013

Family, the Rangeres, & Honkey Tonks

Well we have had quite the week!  On Wednesday we had a tornado scare.  Josh and I were on our way to the temple when a hail storm warming came over the radio.  Apparently grapefruit sized hail was spotted.  Grapefruit!  I can't even imagine!  We went to the temple anyways and when we got out it was raining cats and dogs.  We thought the tornado was only in the southwest and headed to target before we went home when we start hearing all of the tornado warning sirens outside.  It was CRAZY!  Luckily our drive home had no problems and our neighborhood was safe.  It was actually fun to go to sleep listening to the pounding rain and seeing the lightning show flash across our room.  Not everyone in Texas was so lucky many were impacted by the tornado.  It caused thousands to be out of power and some deaths.  Keep them all in your prayers!

We had a really fun weekend.  Josh's dad was in town for work and extended his trip a day so he could hang out with us.  On friday we all went to the Rangers game.  It was a beautiful stadium and full of people!  We actually had great seats up high but with a perfect view.  The Rangers lost but then we had a nice surprise there were fireworks after the game!  I've been to the Bee's firework show a bunch and this show at the Rangers put that one to shame.  Their fireworks were awesome! They shot up form both sides of the stadium.

Saturday morning we woke up bright and early.  After showing Kevin downtown Dallas we headed to Cowboy's stadium.  You can spot that giant building from a mile away.  It is HUGE!  Apparently the field itself if 50ft below street level and if you were to set the Statue of Liberty on the 50 yard line the dome goes up so high that her torch would not even reach the top.  The place is massive.

We were able to tour the locker room and try on their gear.  We happened to be there the same day as the Dallas Cowboys cheerleader tryouts... that was interesting.  Really cool tour!

They smelled like Josh's hockey gear.  It was gross!
After the stadium we took him on a tour of the old stockyards one of our favorite places in Dallas making it just in time for the world's only cattle drive.  And touched a long horn!

After a delicious lunch [texas has THE best BBQ.] it was time fo goodbye and the airport ): time went by too quick but it sure was a lot of fun to be with some family!  

Saturday night we had a blast.  We went back to the stockyards after the airport.  We were going to the rodeo and then to see Tracy Lawrance in concert at Billy Bob's [our new favorite place].  We got there so early that when we ate [ it's the biggest honkey tonk in the word fyi] we ate next to the band! It was awesome.  Then off to the rodeo!  A real Texas rodeo.  Words can't even describe it, it was sweet.  Real country!

Billy Bob's hall of fame [there were a ton more] we just love Johnny Cash.  I rate their popularity by the number of crazy girls who have kissed their cement. 

Rodeo time!
Then off to the concert we went, one of my favorite concerts just from the atmosphere.  Turns out with your rodeo tickets you got in free so Josh went and sold ours since we had already bought tickets and had gotten into the rodeo for free.  Such a good little salesman.  The concert was packed!  Billy Bob's has a restaurant, a concert area, bats, pool places, gift shop and bull riding.  It is a really fun place to hang out and see some great live music.  We had a great view and afterwards danced too.  

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