This week I have been studying a lot about the Holy Ghost, my constant companion. A gift that I am eternally grateful for from my Heavenly Father. For those who may not know, the Holy Ghost is the third member of the Godhead. We learn in D&C 130:22 "The Father has a body of flesh and bones as tangible as man's; the Son also; but the Holy Ghost has not a body of flesh and bones, but is a personage of Spirit. Were it not so, the Holy Ghost could not dwell in us." The Holy Ghost is a personage of Spirit who dwells within someone after they have gone through confirmation to receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
I'm always amazed by the qualities of the Holy Ghost as given in the scriptures. The Holy Ghost is:
Our comforter (John 14:26)
Teaches us things (John 14:26)
Brings things into our remembrance (John 14:26)
The Holy Ghost brings us blessings and helps us make decisions throughout our daily lives. But we must keep in mind there is a difference between the gift of the Holy Ghost and the power of the Holy Ghost. Every person is the world is capable of spiritual guidance before being baptized and confirmed. I strongly believe there are many who have been divinely guided such as the founding father of our country. Without a doubt in my mind. But this spiritual guidance is something called the light of christ, something we are all capable of. As stated in Moroni 7:16 "For behold. the Spirit of Christ is given to every man, that he may know good from evil; wherefore, I show unto you the way to judge; for every thing which inviteth to do good, and to persuade to believe in Christ, is sent forth by the power and gift of Christ; wherefore ye may know with a perfect knowledge it is of God." In my program in school we study a lot about the early years of a child's life. One major debate that comes up often is whether we are"born good" or not. They try and do all these studies to see if babies are innately good when first born resulting in nurture being the determining factor of if they are good or evil people. I'm frateful for the knowledge of knowing this argument is silly, every person is born good. Every person is born with the Light of Christ and knowing good from evil.
The power of the Holy Ghost is different than the constant companionship of the Gift of the Holy Ghost. The power of the Holy Ghost comes to sincere investigators as a witness to the truthfulness of the gospel. From the bible dictionary we learn: "The power [of the Holy Ghost] can come upon one before baptism, and is the convincing witness that the gospel is true. It gives one a testimony of Jesus Christ and of his work and the work of His servants upon the earth." Whereas once we are confirmed after baptism we receive a constant companionship dependent upon our righteousness. What a wonderful gift! I love this quote from President Hinckley:
"There is no greater blessing that can come into our lives than the gift of the Holy Ghost - the companionship of the Holy Spirit to guide us, protect us, and bless us, to go, as it were, as a pillar before us and a flame to lead is in paths of righteousness and truth. That guiding power of the third member of the Godhead can be ours if we live worthy of it."
Monday, February 24, 2014
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Delayed post!
Sorry friends for the late post. Josh and I spent the weekend with my family in St. George. It was a blast! Talk about sunny days! I'm just so ready for spring. We headed out of town Thursday night and then had all day valentines day to enjoy! I woke up to my bed covered in animal valentines (always a kid at heart) with cute messages from my sweetheart with chocolate of course! Josh's till takes care of his valentine whether we're at home or not!
We spent our days relaxing (lots of reading), shopping, eating and just enjoying our time together and the outdoors! We saw the new movie Monuments men. Really cool story about WWII.
Sunday, February 9, 2014
Power of Prayer
This week when thinking about what to study I decided to pick an area I would like to work on. I realized this when I heard a quote at church today:
"The trouble with most of our prayers is that we give them as if we were picking up the telephone and ordering groceries - we place our order and hang up. We need to meditate, contemplate, think of what we are praying about and for and then speak to the Lord as one man speaketh to another." - Gordon B. Hinckley
I don't think this definition matches me, but it certainly gave me a desire to study more about this wonderful gift of prayer to improve communication with my Heavenly Father. I do have a testimony in the power or prayer. I have learned so much in these last years of my life where I have also found myself. There has always been one quote I have loved:
"God is anxiously waiting for the chance to answer your prayers and fulfill your dreams, just as He always has. But he can't if you don't pray, and He can't if you don't dream. In short, He can't if you don't believe." -Jeffery R. Holland
Two things have struck me about this quote. The first is "God anxiously waiting for the chance to answer our prayers," I used to have a hard time with this. There are people in this world who are praying for relief from disease, oppression, famine, and many other terrible things. Why would God want to take his precious time to hear from me? I realized this one day while in the car with my wonderful mother. If you know my mom you know what a wonderful kind heart she has. She has always had the ability to make me feel like the most wonderful person in the world. Part of this is because how much she asks me about my life, wants to hear all the details, and truly listens. When we were in the car that day I was telling her some story where I can't even remember what it was about and when I finished she told me I just had to call her after and let her know what ended up happening! I remember specifically that it was really not a big deal at all, I wish I could remember exactly what it was, but in the grand scheme of things it was nothing big I know that. And that's when it hit me. I am so grateful to know that I am a daughter of God because that means that He is my Father. I have learned of His love partially through the love of my mother. My mom and I have a special relationship. Throughout my life she truly has remained my best friend. Even as a teenager we rarely fought. I have always felt her love for me so strong and her interest in my life. If my earthly mother can love me that much and desires to hear about my life how much more must my Father in Heaven!
We learn in the Teachings of Joseph F. Smith "..Our Father in Heaven is far more interested in a soul - one of his children - than it is possible for an earthly father to be in one of his children. His love for us is greater than can be the love of an earthly parent for his offspring."
Things that are a big deal to me are to my mom and she wants to hear about them. As with my Heavenly Father they may not be a big deal in the grand scheme of things [and of course He knows that better than anyone] but they are a big deal to Him because they are a big deal to me. I can truly testify of that and how special it makes me feel knowing it. So if you ever worry that what you're telling your Heavenly Father is silly [or perhaps I am the only one who struggled with this] know it is most definitely important to him!
And because our Heavenly Father loves us so very much he desires we pray to him often. A gift He gives to us that I think we often overlook is the 24/7 opportunity of Him being there for us. Lloyd D. Newell puts it beautifully: "Yes, we live in a world that offers the technology to quickly communicate information as never before, but the most important line of communication is still between ourselves and God. And, because of His love for us, He promises that line will never be busy."
This is a gift I am eternally grateful for. I know there are times all throughout the day even the middle of the night where I have needed to be comforted and know that I am not alone and am so glad that I could pray to my Father in Heaven no matter the time or place.
The second part I love about the quote from Elder Holland is the word dream. Our Heavenly Father wants to fulfill our dreams. I firmly believe that there is a plan for all of us but within that, Heavenly Father wants us to have goals, aspirations and dreams. Of course He wants these dreams to be worthy ones and I believe if they are, and if they are good for you, He will help you make them come true. I know that my Heavenly Father wants to hear about my dreams and aspirations and wants to tell me if they are right for me.
So back to my original point, how can I improve my prayers? I hear in church all the time how people have improved their relationship with Heavenly Father through prayer. This is my goal! How can I do this?
From April 2007 General Conference Elder Scott reminds us: "A key to improved prayer is to learn to ask the right questions. Consider changing from asking for the things you want to honestly seeking what He wants for you. Then as you learn His will, pray that you will be led to have the strength to fulfill it." I really like this idea. And taking the time while praying to hear answers. I haven't done this well in the past. I am quick to pray because usually I am so busy during the day that I am tired and ready for bed! But from everything I have read I have learned the importance of taking time in prayer to listening for feelings in return.
Preach my gospel has several wonderful ideas to consider when you pray and I will share a few:
1. Always express gratitude for your blessings. A conscious effort to be grateful will help you recognize how merciful the Lord has been in your life.
2. Pray specifically for the guidance and help of the Holy Ghost. Show that you value this blessing by being sensitive to and aware of spiritual promptings. Then courageously follow those promptings.
3. Pray with love and charity. Pray for people by name [I love this, by name] Ask for inspiration to help you understand and meet their needs. Pray to know how to help others and then be willing to sacrifice on their behalf.
4. Recognize that your Heavenly Father knows what you need better than you do [I think one of my favorite country songs is "unanswered prayers" I am so grateful that Heavenly Father knows best]. Rely on the spirit to know what to pray for.
**I really like this one -> 5. In your prayers at night, give the Lord an account of your day's activities. Then review with Him your plan for the next day. Listen for the promptings of the spirit.
Lastly, and probably most importantly, 6. Believe that God will answer your prayers. Recognize that God's thoughts are not your thoughts and trust God to answer your prayers in His own way and in His own time.
Sometimes this last one can be hard but I think it is important to take a little perspective. When you think that Heavenly Father is not answering your prayers the way you would like think about that past. It has always worked out hasn't it? When something you really wanted came along and you didn't get it I know it is because something better is coming right along the way. Elder Bednar gives a great quote as well: "Pray and seek for strength to change our circumstances rather than praying for our circumstances to be changed."
I feel like I could go on and on about prayer and I think I may study it even more this week [this post is already getting long!]. It is such a wonderful gift from our Heavenly Father how can we not use it? I am so grateful for my husband who is a wonderful example of true humble prayer for me to see each day. I look forward to applying these new ideas into my morning and evening daily prayers and I hope you will too!
"The trouble with most of our prayers is that we give them as if we were picking up the telephone and ordering groceries - we place our order and hang up. We need to meditate, contemplate, think of what we are praying about and for and then speak to the Lord as one man speaketh to another." - Gordon B. Hinckley
I don't think this definition matches me, but it certainly gave me a desire to study more about this wonderful gift of prayer to improve communication with my Heavenly Father. I do have a testimony in the power or prayer. I have learned so much in these last years of my life where I have also found myself. There has always been one quote I have loved:
"God is anxiously waiting for the chance to answer your prayers and fulfill your dreams, just as He always has. But he can't if you don't pray, and He can't if you don't dream. In short, He can't if you don't believe." -Jeffery R. Holland
Two things have struck me about this quote. The first is "God anxiously waiting for the chance to answer our prayers," I used to have a hard time with this. There are people in this world who are praying for relief from disease, oppression, famine, and many other terrible things. Why would God want to take his precious time to hear from me? I realized this one day while in the car with my wonderful mother. If you know my mom you know what a wonderful kind heart she has. She has always had the ability to make me feel like the most wonderful person in the world. Part of this is because how much she asks me about my life, wants to hear all the details, and truly listens. When we were in the car that day I was telling her some story where I can't even remember what it was about and when I finished she told me I just had to call her after and let her know what ended up happening! I remember specifically that it was really not a big deal at all, I wish I could remember exactly what it was, but in the grand scheme of things it was nothing big I know that. And that's when it hit me. I am so grateful to know that I am a daughter of God because that means that He is my Father. I have learned of His love partially through the love of my mother. My mom and I have a special relationship. Throughout my life she truly has remained my best friend. Even as a teenager we rarely fought. I have always felt her love for me so strong and her interest in my life. If my earthly mother can love me that much and desires to hear about my life how much more must my Father in Heaven!
We learn in the Teachings of Joseph F. Smith "..Our Father in Heaven is far more interested in a soul - one of his children - than it is possible for an earthly father to be in one of his children. His love for us is greater than can be the love of an earthly parent for his offspring."
Things that are a big deal to me are to my mom and she wants to hear about them. As with my Heavenly Father they may not be a big deal in the grand scheme of things [and of course He knows that better than anyone] but they are a big deal to Him because they are a big deal to me. I can truly testify of that and how special it makes me feel knowing it. So if you ever worry that what you're telling your Heavenly Father is silly [or perhaps I am the only one who struggled with this] know it is most definitely important to him!
And because our Heavenly Father loves us so very much he desires we pray to him often. A gift He gives to us that I think we often overlook is the 24/7 opportunity of Him being there for us. Lloyd D. Newell puts it beautifully: "Yes, we live in a world that offers the technology to quickly communicate information as never before, but the most important line of communication is still between ourselves and God. And, because of His love for us, He promises that line will never be busy."
This is a gift I am eternally grateful for. I know there are times all throughout the day even the middle of the night where I have needed to be comforted and know that I am not alone and am so glad that I could pray to my Father in Heaven no matter the time or place.
The second part I love about the quote from Elder Holland is the word dream. Our Heavenly Father wants to fulfill our dreams. I firmly believe that there is a plan for all of us but within that, Heavenly Father wants us to have goals, aspirations and dreams. Of course He wants these dreams to be worthy ones and I believe if they are, and if they are good for you, He will help you make them come true. I know that my Heavenly Father wants to hear about my dreams and aspirations and wants to tell me if they are right for me.
So back to my original point, how can I improve my prayers? I hear in church all the time how people have improved their relationship with Heavenly Father through prayer. This is my goal! How can I do this?
From April 2007 General Conference Elder Scott reminds us: "A key to improved prayer is to learn to ask the right questions. Consider changing from asking for the things you want to honestly seeking what He wants for you. Then as you learn His will, pray that you will be led to have the strength to fulfill it." I really like this idea. And taking the time while praying to hear answers. I haven't done this well in the past. I am quick to pray because usually I am so busy during the day that I am tired and ready for bed! But from everything I have read I have learned the importance of taking time in prayer to listening for feelings in return.
Preach my gospel has several wonderful ideas to consider when you pray and I will share a few:
1. Always express gratitude for your blessings. A conscious effort to be grateful will help you recognize how merciful the Lord has been in your life.
2. Pray specifically for the guidance and help of the Holy Ghost. Show that you value this blessing by being sensitive to and aware of spiritual promptings. Then courageously follow those promptings.
3. Pray with love and charity. Pray for people by name [I love this, by name] Ask for inspiration to help you understand and meet their needs. Pray to know how to help others and then be willing to sacrifice on their behalf.
4. Recognize that your Heavenly Father knows what you need better than you do [I think one of my favorite country songs is "unanswered prayers" I am so grateful that Heavenly Father knows best]. Rely on the spirit to know what to pray for.
**I really like this one -> 5. In your prayers at night, give the Lord an account of your day's activities. Then review with Him your plan for the next day. Listen for the promptings of the spirit.
Lastly, and probably most importantly, 6. Believe that God will answer your prayers. Recognize that God's thoughts are not your thoughts and trust God to answer your prayers in His own way and in His own time.
Sometimes this last one can be hard but I think it is important to take a little perspective. When you think that Heavenly Father is not answering your prayers the way you would like think about that past. It has always worked out hasn't it? When something you really wanted came along and you didn't get it I know it is because something better is coming right along the way. Elder Bednar gives a great quote as well: "Pray and seek for strength to change our circumstances rather than praying for our circumstances to be changed."
I feel like I could go on and on about prayer and I think I may study it even more this week [this post is already getting long!]. It is such a wonderful gift from our Heavenly Father how can we not use it? I am so grateful for my husband who is a wonderful example of true humble prayer for me to see each day. I look forward to applying these new ideas into my morning and evening daily prayers and I hope you will too!
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Have to add a picture of one boy's faith and prayers that changed the world. |
Sunday, February 2, 2014
Status update & a little message on faith.
Well what a fun weekend it has been! We've been busy spending time with Josh's MBA program being treated all weekend long!
Friday night we went to the Galivan center for a dinner event. They seriously had THE best hot chocolate complete with chocolate covered marshmallows so I was in heave. I definitely lost track of how many cups I had! After our delicious food and chatting we got to go skate! Josh of course was skating circles around everyone! It was a lot less crowded than Christmas time we actually had room to race around. Lots of fun (:
After skating and a quick walk through city Creek we headed to the jazz game. This was a special one! The tribute to jerry Sloan! The arena was full of old players it was really neat to be a part of and see Jerry's banner raised.
The MBA program at the U flew in some of their recruits this weekend and that is why we went to the event and Friday and why on Saturday morning bright and early we headed up to Park City to Canyons ski resort for a full day of fun! Id never been there before and was nervous but it's beautiful and we had a blast on the slopes all day! Josh skied and snowboarded. We made quite the team and enjoyed meeting prospective MBA students from around the country.
We are both so sore now! Come the end of the days my legs felt like they were going to give out half way down the mountain! It was sunny and warm the first half of the day but after lunch the snow started coming down and it was seriously beautiful.
What a great weekend! We feel so blessed having josh on the admissions team allowing us to be a part of all of these fun events (:
A little message on Faith:
As we're all aware, the United States is in turmoil regarding several moral issues. The world is trying to substitute man's wisdom for God's. This is the reality of our world, but we can choose how we react to it. From this, I have been thinking a lot about faith - what it is, what it feels like and what it requires.
As stated in Alma 32:21 : "And now as I said concerning faith— faith is not to have a perfect knowledge of things; therefore if ye have faith ye hope for things which are not seen, which are true."
So faith is having hope in things which are not seen, which are true. What else is faith? Faith is a verb. We hear counsel from the Savior in Matthew 7:7 "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find, knock, and it shall be opened unto you" We must ask, seek, and knock. We must do. We cannot expect faith to grow if we simply stay idle. Going on in Alma 32 Alma compares faith to seed that must be cared for. He uses more verbs such as : awake, arouse, experiment, exercise, desire, work, and plant. We have the choice to choose faith by our actions. I love this concept. From the October 2010 conference Elder Edgley counsels us: "When our sacred doctrine and beliefs are challenged, this is our opportunity to become acquainted with God in a most private and intimate manner. This is our opportunity to choose. I feel this couldn't be more true today.
We are all responsible for our own faith or our lack thereof. Which will you choose? I feel in this day and age it's even more important to have your own seed of faith you are nourishing. It will never be enough to be living off of someone else's. Our morals and values are being challenged and we must have enough faith to stand for them. You must make your own choice to stand for what you know to be true. What can this mean today?
In the book of Moses chapter 5 Adam gives the example of how I believe we must stand today. In verse 6 it states: "And after many days an angel of the Lord appeared unto Adam, saying: Why dost thou offer sacrifices unto the Lord? And Adam said unto him: I know not, save the Lord commanded me." This is what faith means. It means doing what the Lord commands even if we do not understand all of the reasons why. We know the Lord has a perfect knowledge of all things (2 Nephi 2:24) and that is what we need to have faith in. Where did Adam turn for further knowledge? He turned to the messengers sent to him from God. As Latter Day Saints we believe in modern day revelation from our latter day prophet and apostles. To have true faith we must attune our faith to what they say, what God would have us hear. Even if we don't understand why it is the way it is.
The first presidency sent a letter to our stake asking them to go over with us why we believe in the covenants we do and why they are important. They then asked as I urge all of you to pray for God's truths to be preserved and to illuminate them.
We must be firm in what we stand for. There is much I do not know but I too know the important things. And that is what I will focus on. Elder Edgley says to : choose faith. Choose faith over doubt, choose faith over fear, choose faith over the unknown and the unseen, and choose faith over pessimism. We must have faith as we live in this changing world and in order to have faith we must act. I testify that as we act, God will turn faith into knowledge.
A little message on Faith:
As we're all aware, the United States is in turmoil regarding several moral issues. The world is trying to substitute man's wisdom for God's. This is the reality of our world, but we can choose how we react to it. From this, I have been thinking a lot about faith - what it is, what it feels like and what it requires.
As stated in Alma 32:21 : "And now as I said concerning faith— faith is not to have a perfect knowledge of things; therefore if ye have faith ye hope for things which are not seen, which are true."
So faith is having hope in things which are not seen, which are true. What else is faith? Faith is a verb. We hear counsel from the Savior in Matthew 7:7 "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find, knock, and it shall be opened unto you" We must ask, seek, and knock. We must do. We cannot expect faith to grow if we simply stay idle. Going on in Alma 32 Alma compares faith to seed that must be cared for. He uses more verbs such as : awake, arouse, experiment, exercise, desire, work, and plant. We have the choice to choose faith by our actions. I love this concept. From the October 2010 conference Elder Edgley counsels us: "When our sacred doctrine and beliefs are challenged, this is our opportunity to become acquainted with God in a most private and intimate manner. This is our opportunity to choose. I feel this couldn't be more true today.
We are all responsible for our own faith or our lack thereof. Which will you choose? I feel in this day and age it's even more important to have your own seed of faith you are nourishing. It will never be enough to be living off of someone else's. Our morals and values are being challenged and we must have enough faith to stand for them. You must make your own choice to stand for what you know to be true. What can this mean today?
In the book of Moses chapter 5 Adam gives the example of how I believe we must stand today. In verse 6 it states: "And after many days an angel of the Lord appeared unto Adam, saying: Why dost thou offer sacrifices unto the Lord? And Adam said unto him: I know not, save the Lord commanded me." This is what faith means. It means doing what the Lord commands even if we do not understand all of the reasons why. We know the Lord has a perfect knowledge of all things (2 Nephi 2:24) and that is what we need to have faith in. Where did Adam turn for further knowledge? He turned to the messengers sent to him from God. As Latter Day Saints we believe in modern day revelation from our latter day prophet and apostles. To have true faith we must attune our faith to what they say, what God would have us hear. Even if we don't understand why it is the way it is.
The first presidency sent a letter to our stake asking them to go over with us why we believe in the covenants we do and why they are important. They then asked as I urge all of you to pray for God's truths to be preserved and to illuminate them.
We must be firm in what we stand for. There is much I do not know but I too know the important things. And that is what I will focus on. Elder Edgley says to : choose faith. Choose faith over doubt, choose faith over fear, choose faith over the unknown and the unseen, and choose faith over pessimism. We must have faith as we live in this changing world and in order to have faith we must act. I testify that as we act, God will turn faith into knowledge.
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